venerdì 18 febbraio 2011

E' tornata

E' tornata. Con una lunga intervista, dove anche le parole che parlano di mondi senza speranza, brillano come pietre forforescenti. Per esempio, leggete come lei racconta il suo rapporto con le parole:
As I said, it was just the beginnings of the recognition of pleasure. To be able to express yourself, to be able to close the gap—inasmuch as it is possible—between thought and expression is just such a relief. It’s like having the ability to draw or paint what you see, the way you see it. Behind the speed and confidence of a beautiful line in a line drawing there’s years of—usually—discipline, obsession, practice that builds on a foundation of natural talent or inclination of course. It’s like sport. A sentence can be like that. Language is like that. It takes a while to become yours, to listen to you, to obey you, and for you to obey it. I have a clear memory of language swimming towards me. Of my willing it out of the water. Of it being blurred, inaccessible, inchoate… and then of it emerging. Sharply outlined, custom-made.
Mi dispiace, non mi sento capace di tradurle in italiano. Se siete fortunati, forse Internazionale tradurrà questa sua intervista in italiano per il prossimo numero.

Invece se vi va bene la versione in inglese, potete leggere la nuova intervista di Arundhati Roy al sito di Guernica.


1 commento:

Unknown ha detto...

La liberta' di parola su una realta' che brucia non e' sedizione. Chi conosce la realta' deve essere libero

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